Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Street Performers/Sales People

Yesterday as I was strolling along, I encountered two clowns/mimes. When the crosswalk lights up for people to walk, the two men go out into the crosswalk and start juggling. This isn't the first time I've seen this happen. I managed to snap a picture but not until they had dropped their juggling pins. This reminded me of all the different people I've seen on the street here, and I'd thought I'd share a few. I'm not talking about the homeless or the panhandlers, which of course exist, but rather people performing such as this or selling things.
the jugglers from yesterday
This guy is kind of like a mime. He dresses all in white and paints his face white (I've also seen them wear white masks). I've seen people take pictures with him and have seen him with flowers bopping people as they walk by.

the big balloon sellers

elderly ladies selling roasted corn ears

this lady totally caught me taking a pic, but you can see the corn better here
 There are also men with carts similar to these corn ladies that I've seen selling roasted nuts, lots of different nuts, and split coconut slices. The coconut ones are kind of cool because they have little water sprinklers going on the coconuts at all times.

These bagel guys are pretty common. I've seen whole stands of them and also just several on one wooden stick. This guy and his cart are somewhere in between the inventories above.

This isn't a person, but there are a few hammocks set up in the street here, and I found it funny.
Also while walking the streets today, I saw this:
A store full of Christmas.

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