Tuesday, November 1, 2016


We have been staying in Mystras for the last two nights and will be here for the next three. Today we started out at the Mystras Castle where we spent about three hours as it was a large place; the views here were spectacular, and maybe I'll post those tomorrow. Then we ventured back into modern Sparta to see the Sparta Archeological Museum. After eating some lunch, we did three shorter stops at ancient sites: the Sanctuary of Psychico, the Tholos Tomb of Vaphio, and the Amyklaion.
I said yesterday I'd post the pictures of the town of Mystras. We are staying at Hotel Byzantion.

The outside of the hotel
two beds

view from the balcony

from the balcony
view from the balcony; the castle we visited is on the top of that hill, you can barely make it out

 When we got here the first night, it was already dark thus many of our pictures are too dark to really see what's going on.
a little bridge

the town all lit up

a tree fountain

I remembered to take pictures of some of the food we've been eating here. I forgot to get the stuffed peppers and tomatoes though which have been our favorite. There are only three restaurants in this town, so we've been trying out a new one each night.
horiatiki salad/village salad/Greek salad
roasted chicken
saganaki (fried cheese) and pork souvlaki
Oh my! How'd that get in here? Yes, and frozen yogurt... in a box.
Ted, I think this is the house you wanted. We were told that Andrew isn't here right now and is in the states.

Finally, a sneak peek of the castle view because I loved it so much. 

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