Sunday, November 6, 2016

Thesprotian Elea Settlement

Most of the archeological sites close at 3:00pm. We arrived to this site at 2:45pm. The guard was kind enough to let us stay until about 3:45, which was good because this was a big site. The settlement of Elea is 10.5 hectares. The settlement was founded a little before the 4th century BC, and was ruined in 167 BC by the Romans. It is naturally fortified by mountains, but there are strong walls on all accessible sides of the settlement. There is a temple, an Agora, private houses, public buildings, stoas, and a theater.
This rock was in front of the site. It is not part of the site, but fell down from the mountain. What a huge rock!

the outer fortification wall

the gate

view from the end of the settlement

I thought I had more pictures, but that shows most of the site.

Back in Athens:
I went to a large department store today called Attica. I had no money on me, but I wanted to look at it since I saw a lot of people with bags from there. I saw this little display.
I guess they start Christmas before Thanksgiving in Greece.
After dinner tonight we decided to pop into an ice cream shop on the way back to our room. We shared a cone and got a flavor that had vanilla, caramel, and Oreo. Delicious!

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