Saturday, November 5, 2016

Ephyra and the Nekromanteion

Ephyra is an ancient town. Allegedly near Ephyra is the Nekromanteion. In the ancient sources there was supposedly an oracle of the dead where you could go and speak with the spirits or ghosts of the dead. It was a form of necromancy, and for a long time people thought they found the site of the Nekromanteion located here at this building. However, we now know that it was probably just a fortified farm settlement.
This is the site where Bob gave his presentation on our first trip, and he walked us through the process that people were thought to have taken which explains why this is the Nekromanteion; the process was pieced together from other Nekromanteion site's information.
here are the rooms the person would have stayed in or prepared himself in before speaking to the spirits
in the room, the person would eat beans and seeds that cause them to have hallucinations
and then walk down a path while a priest chanted at him until he hit the labyrinth

since he is high on beans at this point he would feel confused and bump into the walls as he went through this maze like structure

this confusion and darkness and high from the beans is supposed to make the person feel like he is in Hades

the labyrinth
at the end of the labyrinth you enter a room where the spirits would appear

this is the central chamber

here is where it is believed that the spirits would appear to you; mechanical pieces were found during the excavations here while people explained as being from a pulley system where a priest was in some secret room pulling ropes to make it look like the spirits were flying at you
That's all one story. Instead classicist/archeologists now want to call it some sort of fortified farm house and in that case, the rooms would just be rooms, the maze would be for increased difficulty in getting in since you can't take a battering ram through it, and the mechanical pieces were from catapults.

Other pictures from the site:

these were thought to be the place for the offerings to the spirits or just storage for farm stuff

the underground chamber which was actually just a cellar


Bob giving the presentation starting at the room with the bean eating

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