Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Igoumenistsa Museum and Hail in Athens

I only took four pictures from this museum apparently. We see jewelry sometimes but often just a few pieces or stuff that looks pretty beat up. Here they had a fairly decent size collection. I also saw the smallest sarcophagus and skeletal lay out I'd seen yet; must have been a young one.

the bottom right are beads from pieces of jewelry

lots of rings and bracelets

the tiny skeleton

I tried to use my hand for size comparison, but there is a glass enclosure, so it's not exact.

Athens weather today:
So being that most of the people here with us are from the East coast or the West coast, you can imagine the mood has been pretty melancholy today. The weather seems to have picked up on it. This morning was warm, most likely seventies. I was sweating while walking around, but it was cloudy. The sky looked gray around 2pm, the sky got even darker and the wind really picked up. Then it started to thunderstorm and with hard rain, it never sprinkled just big ole fat rain to quote Forrest Gump. Then suddenly it started hailing. Hail was pelting down from the sky. A lot of it. It was so loud outside my window, it was so strong that car alarms started going off on the streets. I haven't seen anything like that. The students here are joking that Zeus is upset in the birth place of democracy. I was too busy snaping this out on snapchat to get many pictures of my own, but here's what I've got.
hail balls on my window ledge
The rain in the streets. Sorry the sound is loud.

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