Friday, November 4, 2016

Sanctuary of Artemis Ortheia

We are now back in Athens. Our journey today started off in Sparta with a stop at the Sanctuary of Artemis Ortheia where it was cold and raining. While still in Sparta we stopped at another possible temple ruin that had been semi abandoned. There we saw a crab that was missing some legs. Our last set of stops was in Tegea where we visited the Temple to Alea Athena and the Archeological Museum of the city of Tegea.

Sanctuary of Artemis

So it was cold and rainy, and I now realize this second and only other picture I took of the sanctuary looks pretty much like the first. Sorry for the let down people.

Here is the crab!

the unknown and not cared for temple

same temple looking a little overgrown
I do like being back to a regular routine, but after seeing so much more of Greece, Athens just doesn't seem as cool. I'm missing the landscapes, the water, and the little villages. That's all I've got for today. Time to get some rest and some food.

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