Friday, November 18, 2016

Aiani Museum and Necropolis

The museum at Aiani has a lot of finds from graves and cemeteries. I did not take many pictures here, and I'm guessing it's because we had seen many of these types of things already on our trip. I did take a few more pictures at the Necropolis where there are stone built chamber tombs.

There were many statues outside the museum. This is a turtle.

A reconstruction of what the loom would have looked like. The stones at the bottom were excavated.

I tried to take a picture of the tomb site as a whole.

I read that this area has 12 chamber tombs and cist-graves. In the surrounding areas 257 graves were found in cemeteries and excavated.

Have you seen the show Parks and Recreation? Whenever I see these tombs I can't help but get Andy's The Pit song stuck in my head. If you haven't seen the show, the lyrics are something along the lines of "I fell into the pit. You fell into the pit. We all fell into the piiiiiit." You know what, I'm not actually very good with lyrics, and typing them is inadequate anyway, so here's a link if you are interested:

On another note, I went to get some ice cream today, and the place that sells the Ben and Jerry's had removed their ice cream cooler. I hope this isn't a sign of what's to come as it gets colder.

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