Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Ioannina Museum

This archaeological museum has finds from Dodona where the oracle was located and the Nekromanteion (see previous blogs about these two places).

sarcophagus with detailed scene

a vessel with an interesting handle

a little Zeus statue with a thunder bolt

the obligatory turtle

In one of my first posts from a museum in Athens I wrote about my favorite part being reading all the little votives. This museum had a collection from the oracle at Dodona. Questions are engraved on thin sheets of lead. Hundreds of these oracle tablets were found in the Dodona sanctuary. The oldest date from the 6th century BCE. Questions can be asked by individuals, groups, or even whole cities covering topics dealing with everyday life, family, health, and other issues.
These are the little votives from the oracle.

Look closely and you'll see they are engraved.

This one says "Did Pistos steal the wool from the bed timber?".

These are pieces form the supposed pulley system at the Nekromanteion, which actually are parts of a catapult.

In other news, President Obama has been in Athens for the past two days. He spoke today, and another member here had a ticket to the event, so I stole this photo from him.

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