Monday, November 21, 2016

Happy Birthday!

There have been three birthdays here within the last two weeks. I learned how you say happy birthday in Greek "Χρόνια Πολλά", which directly translates to "many years". At the birthday rite for the one year old I posted about last week, they all sang the Greek happy birthday song. I had no idea what was going on. Bob came back from Greek today saying they learned the Happy Birthday song. Now that I know it, I'm going to share it.

Να ζήσεις, (insert name of person) , και Χρόνια Πολλά, 
μεγάλος/η να γίνεις με άσπρα μαλλιά, 
παντού να σκορπίζεις της γνώσης το φως 
και όλοι να λένε να ένας σοφός! 

May you live (insert name of person) for many years,
may you grow old with white hair,
may you scatter the light of knowledge everywhere,
and may everyone say you are a wise person.

Also, on a completely different note, this is how you know the octopus you are about to eat is fresh.
you see it hanging on a line outside the restaurant

A guy told me that the best octopus is beaten against a rock for a long time to make it tender. He also said some people/restaurants put them in a washing machine to achieve the same type of thing. Interesting facts.


  1. Awesome birthday song!! Sad about the octopus. :(

  2. On Thursday we'll have our Greek American Thanksgiving with Pastitsio along with imported feta and kalamata olives. . I'd much rather have octopus than Turkey but that would be crossing the line with my wife
    take care we miss you guys

    1. We are having an American Thanksgiving on Thursday, but we are also having Pastitsio on Saturday!
