Monday, November 7, 2016

Panagia Parigoritissa and Gliki Church

I don't know much about these two structures other than they are Byzantine Churches. The Byzantine Empire was from the 5th century to the 1400's.
Gliki Church Site

Gliki Church Site

The Gliki Church is near the Acheron River, which is super cold and also the supposed river of the dead.

Acheron River
Unlike the Gliki Church, the Panagia Parigoritissa is still in use today.

inside the Panagia Parigoritissa

inside the Panagia Parigoritissa
Bob sent me these maps from an app that he has been using to track the journey around Greece.
Trip 1 - Northern and Western Greece. He started using it on Day 5 of the trip, so the first several day's stops in the West are not documented.

Trip 2 - Central Greece

Trip 3 - The Deep Peloponnese
Also, anyone looking for an update on our pup. Here he is with his friends Maggie and Ozzie.
Don't they all look so happy?

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