Thursday, December 1, 2016

Pella Archaeological Site

After the museum we went to the Pella Agora where there are remains of some very large houses, administrative offices, sanctuaries, ceramic workshops, and other workshops. This was the capital for the Macedonians in the time of Alexander the Great.

open space of the Agora

The shops

pottery shops. The grate covers a well.

mosaic floor

You might recognize this mosaic from the museum. That is because this is the original and the museum was a copy. I felt so robbed/betrayed when I found this out.

a random horse

After the site, we stopped for lunch, and this dog joined us.
Oranges are in season here. I hadn't noticed until recently that all the trees along the streets of Athens are orange trees. I'm not sure if you are allowed to pick the oranges or not, but they appear to be public property since they line all the city sidewalks.

On another note, I saw two men peeing in public parks today. (Public bathrooms are not common)

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