Thursday, December 8, 2016

Eleusis and Archarnai Museums, Menidi Tholos, and Tatoi

Our last four stops yesterday were the places mentioned in the title of this blog.
Both museums were small, but the first one had some pretty interesting things.
Eleusis Museum

They really knew how to work a toga. This thing is around the head and the knee.

Athena rising out of a flower.

Fleeing woman.

A pig - in honor of the pig sacrifices made.

Sarcophagus - so much detail. Yes that is a man's arm being eaten by a boar.

The description for this says an erotic scene between a man and a youth. My question is - why is there a dog?

the token turtle

carytid - large statue that functions as a column

cremated remains of a woman

child burial

I only took two pictures from the Archarnai Museum.
child burial

pot burial

The Menidi Tholos tomb is dated earlier than the other tholos tombs we have seen. Our leader said he had once heard the top of the entrance referred to as a toaster. See what you think.
long way down

Does the top look like a toaster to you?

The ceiling. They have a screen over it now. There was a cave in at one point.

Our final stop was the Tatoi Estate. It was the summer palace and former estate of the Greek Royal Family. Still located there is a royal cemetery where around 20 royals are buried. One of them was Princess Olga who died at 7 months old. Another was King Alexander who died from wounds inflicted by his pet monkey.
We had to hike through woods to get to the cemetery.

A church near some graves.

A few of the graves.

A mausoleum housing a few of the graves.

The grave of Alexander who we found upon further investigation (google, so who knows if it's true) died of an infection from being bitten by a monkey who was in a fight with his dog Fritz. He was trying to break up the fight when he sustained his injury.

I cleaned more bones today. Bob looked at bones including ones that belonged to humans with syphilis, leprosy, leukemia, and lots of arthritis.

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