Sunday, December 4, 2016


Athens and many of the other cities we have been to in Greece seem to be covered in Graffiti. My initial response to it was that it seemed very scary since in America I associate Graffiti with gangs. However, here it is often a political statement and sometimes just looks like cool art. There are also tags, which are just a name. I have taken a few pictures to share.

This first collection is the simple stuff that seems to be written on any surface.

Then it gets a little cooler with more color and bigger words.

Finally there are giant, colorful pictures. Some of these are pretty neat.

This is graffiti on graffiti.

some classical graffiti

sports graffiti

Bob's favorite

Finally, this is not graffiti, but I like it. It snowed back home today, and our lovely dog sitter took Ajax out for a walk and sent us this video. He just loves the snow.

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