Saturday, February 4, 2017

Xerxes' Canal

I couldn't remember a thing about this canal since it was too long ago that we visited, so I am doing a copy/paste straight from Wikipedia here:

"According to the Histories of the ancient Greek historian Herodotus, which recounts the events of the Greco-Persian Wars, the Persian commander Mardonios, in 492 BCE, lost a great part of his fleet, 300 ships and 20,000 men, in a storm going around the cliffs of the Athos peninsula, during the First Persian invasion of Greece.
Xerxes, in preparation for the Second Persian invasion of Greece, in 483 BCE ordered a channel built through the Athos isthmus in order to avoid falling prey to the same catastrophe. Herodotus speculates that pride also was a motivating factor."

I enjoyed this because it was a pretty view, and I sneaked down to touch the water.

I guess I wasn't being as sneaky as I thought because Bob caught me on camera.

 As we were driving away, the bus was backing up closer and closer to a drop off into the water. I thought we were going over. Obviously we did not nor did we die as I'm here typing this blog.

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