Saturday, February 18, 2017

Chania - CTD6

Today was a lot of bus time for us, but the weather was nice again. Our first stop was the archaeological site of Gortyn where Bob gave us a presentation on the Gortyn Law code. I found that interesting especially at this time because part of the code has people with high status in the society paying less in fines... sounded a bit familiar. Then we went to the Arkadi Monastery, which is known for destruction caused by the Turks in 1866. Finally we stopped at Eleutherna where we were only allowed to see the museum (photos prohibited) and not the archaeological site which was sad yet also sort of good because we were supposed to have a 2+ hour guided tour through it by one of their people instead of our leader giving the tour. We arrived in Chania for night. This is along the port and has a lot of history as well.
View from the hotel. Look at the snow covered mountains.

Also for a bus, coffee, and snack break today, we stopped in some town I can't remember, and they had this really neat fountain.

Tomorrow we will be spending the day in Chania looking at the sites and museums here before boarding the ferry back to Athens. The ferry doesn't have internet, so no post until Monday.

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