Saturday, February 11, 2017

Amphipolis (Lion, Museum, House, Wall, and Bridge)

Today I spent a lot of time in the kitchen making snacks for Bob and myself as we depart tomorrow evening for the last lengthy academic trip. We are headed to Crete and will be spending our first night in cabins on an overnight ferry to the island.

As I'm still not done showing the places from trip one, I need to get a move on. We made several stops in Amphipolis. The area is known for its ancient Greek city and then later Roman city. Amphipolis also has a place in history for a battle between the Spartans and the Athenians in 422 BC as well as a place used by Alexander the Great during campaigns.
The Amphipolis lion supposedly marks the burial of a famous Macedonian admiral.

It is one huge lion. Use the people for scale.

The Amphipolis Museum.

This little tomb was out back behind the museum.


Grave stele of a family portrait.

This house located in Amphipolis is one of the best preserved.
It also is known significantly for the preservation of the colors.


What is left of a bridge.

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