Friday, February 3, 2017

Olynthos and the Big Cheese

Olynthos was an ancient city founded in the 7th century BC, and located there now are the remains of several houses. In what is considered to be the rich villas were mosaics which are some of the earliest floor mosaics in Greek art.

the floor mosaics


I know I already posted this once, but it's too great not to share one more time for any new readers out there. The stop after our visit to Olynthos was along the side of the road in Iressos at the replica of the Guinness World Record for the largest goat cheese. The original cheese was owned by Ioannis Stathoris and weighed 939 kilos (just over 2070 lbs for those of us not on the metric system). On a side note - I kept seeing people write lbs on Facebook and was wondering why they were putting pounds after what they were saying. I put it in the Google and see lbs can also apparently mean "Laughing But Serious".

It was taller than me. You cheddar believe it. Lbs.

The largest goat cheese in the world !!!
The weather has been in the 50-60s the last two days. I was hot in a sweatshirt today. I said "beautiful weather today" in Greek to everyone I spoke to. I was glad to finally get some use out of that phrase I learned so long ago.

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