Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Sitia again - CTD3

We are staying one more night in Sitia. I said I would get some pictures of the town, and I didn't really do the greatest job of that because it was dark again when we finished for the night. Today we started out at the Sitia Museum then progressed on to the archaeological sites of Zakros, Palaikastro, Itanos, and Petras before ending up back in Sitia. We had some gorgeous scenery today.


I did not follow this sign, but on our walk back to the hotel tonight, I spotted it. I'm curious to know what goes on there though.

I always take hotel pics, but I don't know why. Hotel Itanos.

As always several animals crossed our paths today including cats, dogs, sheep, goats, turkeys, and a really majestic horse.
These turkeys would gobble at us when we passed.

So the horse we saw may not have been real.

Just one of the beautiful landscape shots from today. More to come.

We tried to get a nice picture, but the wind was too crazy today.

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