Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Sitia - CTD2

We ended up in Sitia to spend the night, but we didn't do anything in this town today. I can post pictures of it tomorrow. Today was yet again another cold and windy day with some rain sprinkled in here and there. We began today at the Sanctuary of Zeus Thenatas in Amnissos. Then ventured to Malia where we saw the Palace and Quartier Mu. Our last stop of the day was Azoria and Kavousi-Vronda. These sites are in the mountains, so the 20 of us had to ride in the back of three pickup trucks up and down the mountain. It was quite the adventure. The hotel here doesn't have the best internet, so I am only uploading this one beautiful mountain photo.
This is a video of us on the truck as we passed the oldest olive tree. 5 meters in diameter! 

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