Sunday, February 5, 2017

Greek Agora (again)

I went to the Greek Agora during my first week in Athens (see previous blog), but Bob wanted to go today, so I went along too.
This guy was just hanging out in the Odeon.

Temple of Hephaestus peeping out.

The backside of the Acropolis.

My fav Mt once again.

Can you see the gray cat a little left of the center of this photo?

He got into a cat fight in this tree and was pushed out. The black blobs in the tree are the bullies.

Also, Bob and I were craving sweets. We happened to pass McDonald's on our way back and decided it was time to try a McFlurry in Greece. This here is the Twix. Bob got the kitkat. The only other flavor options were Oreo and Bounty.

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