Thursday, February 23, 2017

Thasos Walking Tour

We walked around the island of Thasos for slightly over four hours making 19 stops for sites.

Sanctuary of Dionysus
Gate of the Goddess on Chariot

Same gate as above.

Shrine of Posidon

beautiful view
Thesmophorian? footprint of a basilica

The following are walls.

Graves outside of a theater.

The theater.

Somewhere in the next pictures are chapels, a sanctuary to Apollo, and a sanctuary to Athena.


Rock cut shrine to Pan.

Can you see Pan in there?

The gate of Silene.

Carving on the gate.

I think this was the gate of Heracles and Dionysus? or Zeus and Hera?

Sanctuary of Heracles. Lots of eating, drinking, and killing animals occurred here.

Odeion (theater)

Shrine to Artemis

The last stop was back to the Agora, which I had made a post about before I forgot that we did the Agora on our walking tour.

This is the Theogenes monument located in the Agora. It once held the statue of Theogenes. There is a story that a man was beating the statue, and it fell on him. The statue was tried for murder and was sent out of the city. However some men found it fishing and brought it back.
This is the original metal hook on the above monument from when it was built. Everyone was so amazed it had survived from the ancient world. This is where animals would be tied up for sacrifice.

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