Friday, February 17, 2017

Agia Galini CTD5 (lots of food pics)

We put up camp tonight in a town called Agia Galini. It is rather small yet still full of a lot of shops. The problem is nothing is open during the off season. The hotel, Kriti Hotel, we are staying at opened tonight special for us. It is a cute little place, and the owners are very hospitable. They welcomed us all with a drink, nuts, and fruit. We were also given complementary Crete magnets and waters. Our balcony also has some pretty great views. We ate dinner at one of the two tavernas open in town right now called Pantheon (I think), and the food was delicious. We were also once again given complementary drinks and also a dessert. I'm posting pictures, don't worry! Also, we had an 8 course meal the night before in Heraklion, which I'll show you pictures of too.
An old fountain from our tour last night.

For the carnival that was going on this man was selling popcorn and cotton candy. Notice the people in costumes walking down the street.

Course 1 - Cheese, little breads, and olives.

Course 2 - loaded bakes potatoes.

Course 3 - soup with some sort of root vegetable I can't remember.

Course 4 - omelet type thing with greens.

Course 5 - My favorite - sliced smoked ham with onions.

Course 6 - honey? glazed lamb with something else, but I didn't know what it was.
Course 7 was hanging smoked pork chops, but now I can't find my pictures of them.
Course 8 was dessert of a fruit platter with a goat cheese mousse with caramel bites. Same deal with my picture.

Now on to tonight.
Our hotel room has this large porch....

with a nice view of the sea....

and the landscape.

It also has this little kitchen area where Bob is charging his phone.

Tonight we ate stuffed tomatoes and chicken fillets. Both included potatoes.

Then they brought out raki and dessert - fried dough with honey and cinnamon (on the house!). I gave my raki (some sort of alcohol) away.

The server also brought us out this candle partway through the meal. I thought it was cute. 

Our adventure today led us once again through several archaeological sites beginning in Prinias, then Phaistos, Aghia Triada, Kommos, and finally a Tholos tomb in Kamilari. The weather was beautiful today and almost all of us went without jackets after the first site. I was so happy to soak up the sun, and it made for a great day of outdoor sightseeing and landscape views.

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