Monday, February 13, 2017

Heraklion - Crete Trip Day 1

Last night at 7pm we boarded an over night ferry to the island of Crete. We disembarked at 6:30am this morning and began our journey. Today we visited a Minoan Harbor, Knossos (the Palace, Unexplored Mansion, Little Palace, Villa Dionysos, Stratrigraphical Museum Excavations, and the Villa Ariadne), and the Heraklion Museum. These posts will come in time.

Tonight I will share a few pictures from the ferry and the town of Heraklion including the largest gyros I've ever eaten.
The name of our ferry.... ?

I couldn't get the whole thing in one picture.

I seriously felt like I was on the titanic.

This little dude greeted us at the excavations.

Hotel Olympic in Heraklion - ONE BED!

The bathroom is a long hallway.

Little church right outside the hotel.

Pretty sweet fountain.

This gyros pita was seriously as big as my hand. Only 3 euros at Hovoli. I recommend!

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