Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Martis Bracelets

Καλο μηνα! (Good Month!)

Today is the first day of March, and that means it is time to break out the Martis bracelet. Tradition says to wear the bracelet for the month of March to protect your cheeks from the early Spring sunburn. The bracelet is red and white, symbolic of rosy cheeks yet a white complexion. We were told that on March 31st, we put them in the trees, so birds can use them to make a nest. I read online that they were sometimes thrown into fires.

Two of the maids here, whom I am very fond of, bought us all our own Martis bracelets. How sweet! It was a hot one today in the sun, so I'm glad I was wearing mine.

Also, I had my first Greek post office experience today as I received a package from my LS, Emily. When I walked in and looked lost, a man who was waiting told me to take a number from the machine. Then when I still looked clueless told me to push the A button on the machine. Needless to say I made it safely through the trenches with only one elderly man trying to cut me in line. It was totally worth it for an amazing package full of awesome goodies!

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