Thursday, March 9, 2017

Dion Archaeological Site

The Classical period for this site began in about 480 BC. Since then it has had a Hellenistic period, a Roman period, and served its last purpose as a bishopric in the early Christian period from the 4th-7th century AD until it was discovered and excavated in recent times. The site itself is extensive and took us around an hour or so to get through. Located here are a few theaters, baths, and many sanctuaries. I've tried my best to label the pictures.

The Sanctuary of Demeter.

The Sanctuary of Zeus Hypsistos.

The Sanctuary of Isis. You can't really tell from this picture, but the walkway is there because the sanctuary is mostly covered in water.

The House of Zosa and Leda.

Polygonal building.

Main road.

Public toilets.

A nice zoom in on the toilets.


The great baths.

The agora.


Here I'm having a little trouble remembering each picture specifically, but these pictures contain the Hydraulis sector, Dionysos Villa, a Temple of Zeus Olypians and more baths.

Reconstructed Hellenistic theater.

Roman theater.

These ducks were chillin at the site.

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