Saturday, March 25, 2017

Greek Independence Day

Greeks celebrate their independence on March 25th each year as it commemorates the start of the Greek War of Independence in 1821. Athens holds a military parade. Many of the streets were shut down for the parade, and it was eerily quiet. The parade consists of civil and military marching bands followed by a procession of military vehicles. I tried to go take a look, but by the time I found a spot where I could see, I only saw the fire trucks.
Not a car in sight and only a handful of people on what is one of the busiest streets.
As I was walking to the parade, I followed this young girl singing and wagging her flag. It was so cute that after a few blocks I decided to be creepy and take a little video because you couldn't see her face. However, it is also difficult to hear her singing.

What I caught of the parade. I had to go up an alley because I was too short to see over the people.

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