Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Learning Farsi

While I've been in Greece, I've been tutoring/teaching math to refugees a few times a week. This is often very difficult due to the language barrier. Most of them speak Farsi as a first language. Some speak a decent amount of Greek. A couple have a basic grasp of English. Math is universal they say, but when you want to explain why you do something, the task becomes quite difficult. Because of this, I speak a combination of all three languages. I've picked up a few Farsi words from spending time with them. I used the online program I'd been learning Greek with to learn basic greetings in Farsi. Today we had a little extra time, so two girls taught me all the numbers 1-10, subtract, add, divide, and a few other words. We shall see how much I remember. I was most excited that they taught me how to write my name. The letters are written right to left instead of left to right.
This is my recreation attempt when I got home today. I think it still looks pretty good though.

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