Friday, March 17, 2017

Day Trip - Pagae, Bouri, Aigosthena, Plataea

Today was the last scheduled day trip of the winter term. The sun was out again today, which made for a nice day of traveling. We made stops at Pagae, Bouri, Aigosthena, and Plataea. We did forgo our last stop that was supposed to be a two-hour hike up a mountain in favor of eating one last meal altogether.

The Pagae site didn't have much to it.

Dogs guarding the acropolis.

Another shot of the acropolis.

What's left of a fortification wall.

 The Bouri site also wasn't much to look at.
Sanctuary votive pieces were found here.

This wall is not ancient, but I liked the designs in them. This one is made out of seashells.

There is a boat picture here.

Also, across the street was a beautiful view.

Aigosthena was an ancient city that was important to control for passage from Boeotia to the Peloponnese. Because of this, there are many large towers and walls located here.

Plataea was another ancient city. Generally, they were allies of the Athenians.

This fountain has an inscription underneath, which we can't read because it's filled with water, but it didn't stop people from sticking their hands in there to feel it today.

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