Saturday, March 4, 2017

Philippi Theater, Museum, and Forum

Philippi is an enormous site and is brimming with tourists. This was one of the first sites we visited where it was so crowded that I felt offended we weren't alone as happens at most of the places we visit. Unfortunately, due to our schedule we didn't have much time there and spent most of it listening to a report. This means other than my theater pictures, most shots are from far away.
The ancient city was first established in 360 BC. Remains located here include a theater, an octagonal church, basilicas, tombs, temples, fountains, sanctuaries, and shops.

During the report we were told that no longer are visitors allowed in the Macedonian tomb because a professor died there in 2002 and they caught some heat because of a lack of security.

Big, old theater


I saw this turtle.

I only took three pictures inside the onsite museum.

Notice the dog at the bottom.

My sister's favorite.

Speaking of turtles, I finally saw the one that has been spotted on Lycabettus when I walked up it today. He was about a foot long. I didn't have my camera unfortunately. Since my dream had come true, I told Bob we could leave Greece now. He is gone on a weekend trip but told me I could start packing the bags. haha.

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