Monday, March 20, 2017

71 degrees today

Due to the nice weather today, Bob and I sat outside for a bit in the garden area behind the library. While there, we heard rustling and looked around until we found the source of the noise - a tortoise walking around. Later we heard rustling again and saw another tortoise. Then the first tortoise went up to the second and seemed like he was trying to fight it... then it turned into something else. I do enjoy that the wildlife here seem to be dogs, cats, and turtles.

I have a few other random pictures to post.
I don't know if you know what euros look like, so I put this little collection together.

Someone has been filming a movie at one of the school's libraries, so there were all these trucks outside. Also, one night there were several couches outside.

Here is the pistachio motorcycle man I mentioned in my Aegina post.

Here is an updated picture of the cutest dog I know.

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