Sunday, March 26, 2017

The Hill of the Muses

Today Bob took me on a little hike around the Hill of the Muses in Athens. It was a lovely day with great weather (70's) and perfect for a walk.

A famous grave monument located here called the Philopappos marks the grave of Philopappos. Well that sentence sure sounded redundant. He died in 116 AD.
You'll notice all the heads have been knocked off even the horse heads, which apparently is rare for the animal heads to be decapitated.

 We wandered through the Pnyx where the assembly was located. You can see the speakers' platform jutting out from the wall in the center of the photo. The wall also contains holes where dedications were hung.

We passed the supposed Tomb of  Kimon. Not much evidence says this is actually the tomb.

Bob also took me to the ancient road of Koile where he showed me some wheel ruts.

This area is labeled Deaf Man's Cave by the didactic and Dragon Man's Cave by the PokeStop in Pokemon Go. However, the archeologists aren't actually sure what this sitting area is. One idea is that the seating faces where the sun sets, so it's possible a place to study astronomy like things.
What a lovely young man we have here.

Finally, no high up place is without nice views.
I thought it was neat I could see the Parthenon and Lycabettus in the same shot.

I feel like I got shots of the Acropolis from every angle. Look at all the people up there.

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