Friday, January 13, 2017

The White Tower of Thessaloniki

The White Tower of Thessaloniki is a monument and museum on the waterfront of the city. Its original purpose was to fortify the city's harbor and then became a prison and the scene of mass executions. It is 75ft in diameter and 112ft high. There are six floors. We had to climb a spiral staircase to get to the top. The museum inside, which has exhibits on each of the floor apparently tells the history of Thessaloniki throughout various periods. It is however all in Greek(we didn't know this), so I didn't gain any knowledge from the exhibits. They do however offer these free devices that will read to you the information(we didn't know this either) which you must get when you purchase your tickets. We spoke to the lady all in Greek, so I'm guessing that is why she didn't offer the device.
the tower

the spiral stairs

peeping out a window on the way up

the top of the tower
 The following pictures are views from the top.

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