Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Arch of Galerius and Rotunda of Galerius

These two structures commissioned by Roman Emperor Galerius are dated to the early 4th century, and they are located in Thessaloniki. The Arch is out in the middle of a pedestrian walkway. There is no fee to see it nor guards watching it.

The reliefs on this side of the pillar were still intact.

The Rotunda is in the background.

The Rotunda's original purpose may have been a mausoleum or a temple then became a Christian church and a mosque and is now a Greek Orthodox Church and a historic monument.
The diameter is 80 feet. The walls are more than 20 ft thick, allowing it to withstand Thessaloniki's earthquakes. The brick dome is 98 ft high at its peak.

Today was a rainy day and rain has been forecast for five of the next seven days. We were told Winter was a rainy season, and I was starting not to believe this until now.

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