Sunday, January 29, 2017


One thing that Bob and I love about Greece is the food. Today we went out to a sit down Greek restaurant in Athens for the first time. When we are out on trips, we do this as that is what most of the villages have for food options other than a mini market. When in Athens we usually get street food because it's fast, cheap and good. I realized I have taken lots of food pictures but not yet shared them.
Sometimes meat is just roasting on the street.

Our favorite - Gyros - twirling away.

Gyros Pita (as well as the next two pictures). Often the pork is served with tzatziki, fries, tomato, and onion. Chicken usually has a different sauce (mayo, mustard, or a house sauce) with the same other toppings as the pork and sometimes with lettuce added. In the Northern areas of Greece they often had ketchup and mustard or BBQ sauce. I did not enjoy that surprise and had to say oxi (No) ketchup.

This is what is called a gyros portion. Instead of serving the meat inside a pita, you get it in a box with pieces of pita, fries, and the toppings. This is more expensive, but comes with a lot more meat.

Here we have a grill platter. On top are souvlakia or kalamakia. Meat on a stick. Also included in this mixed grill platter are porkchops, sausages, pita, tomato, fries, and sauces.

eggplant... I think

Often when you eat with a group you order a bunch of small plates (mezedes) and share. This place happened to have a lot of seafood.

Beefteki aka beef

tzatziki (right) and fava bean (left)

chicken hunk

cabbage wrapped meatballs

lamb chops
 I am unsure of what the two pictures of desserts that follow are called.

ice cream!

After posting the photos, I'm thinking they don't look that appetizing, but man, they are delicious.

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