Saturday, January 28, 2017

The Sanctuary of Zeus Ammon and Dionysos

This is yet another site from our first trip back in September that I have yet to post about. You may notice the warm and nice weather.
The Sanctuary was first used in the Early Bronze Age. Located at this site is the Temple of Zeus Ammon, a cave and Sanctuary to Dionysos, a bath, and a modern theater(I don't have a picture). As we were walking to this temple, our leader had said something about how we pass the beautiful beach and beautiful water, but we won't be stopping. I did stare longingly at the water for quite awhile.
so pretty

Doesn't this make you want to run right in?

Those lucky ducks got to enjoy the beach.

The watermill in the area of the Sanctuary of Dionysos.

The Sanctuary of Dionysos and entrance to the cave.

The Small Bath.

The Temple of Zeus Ammon.
 I've decided to end with a few more beach pictures to take me back to a time of warmth and sun.

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