Tuesday, January 10, 2017

SNOW in Athens?!?!

Bob and I arrived back in Athens yesterday about 3pm Athens time and were looking forward to the warmer temperatures. We woke up this morning to snow!
Outside our window

I know you are all probably sick of looking at snow; however, I asked around here and was told it almost never snows in Athens, and if it does, it isn't more than once during the Winter. I guess this was a large amount (maybe an inch - lol - so nothing compared to what we experience in the Midwest). 
After breakfast we decided to hike up Mt L to get a view of the snow on the city.

the grounds where we live
the "smoking area" on our grounds
the hall where we eat is the building on the left
starting to climb
looking back down the hill
the path up Mt. L

Snow on the Parthenon

The top of Mt. L was like a skating rink. It was also pretty much empty, which I have never witnessed. Even the guy who sits up there with a cooler selling "pop, lemonade, ice cold water, beer" was not there today.

We got a request for more photos of ourselves in the blog, so here I am at the top of Mt. L (I hope you enjoy this Katie).

and here is one of Bob.

Snow dusted city
We left again at 11:30am to the library and most of the snow was melted. After lunch (2:30 ish) we ventured out to a book store and the phone store, and there was nothing left but water.

Also, I know it's late, but here's our holiday photo:
Happy Holidays!

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