Sunday, June 4, 2017


We walked all over the island of Sikinos, which is very mountainous. This caused us to get lots of exercise (~16 miles of walking) and also allowed for some fantastic views. This is a small island with a population of about 300 people.

The port

Our ferry leaving the port.

Fog creeps in on little cat feet.

But really the fog was crazy. It looked like it was swallowing islands.


We were only passed by one car along this road.

Malta Beach.

Another beach.

Malta beach. Notice how green the stones are.

Malta beach.


A view inside through a crack in the door.
The back of the Episkopi.

Agia Marina, which is a long climb up a hill as it is at the peak.

Pretty inlet, but I would not recommend swimming here as it is filled with sea urchins.

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