Sunday, June 11, 2017

Santorini: Ancient Thera

Our final archaeological site of Greece was ancient Thera. The site is located up on a mountain that has a 1.3 km trail and tells you will be a 40 minute walk (we did it in 20-25). You can get a nice view of the Perissa Beach on one side and the Kamari Beach on the other. There is a road that allows you to drive almost all the way to the entrance on the Kamari Beach side or you can take a donkey up on the Perissa side if walking up a mountain isn't your thing. Anyway, back to Thera.... it dates back to the 9th century BCE and was named after the mythical ruler of the island, Theras.
This was the sign to start the hike up the mountain.

A Basilica.

Temenos of Artemidoros. This was an open air sanctuary.

The south section of the city.


House of Tyche. One of the largest buildings in the city.



Sanctuary of Egyptian Gods.

The Kamari Beach side.


Kamari Beach.

Perissa Beach.

Tonight we walked into town to try to see the sunset, but it was pretty cloudy. I did get a few nice pictures of the clouds though.

I was browsing the ice cream flavors and stumbled upon this one... what would that even taste like?

These pictures aren't very clear, but the city looked pretty neat all lit up.

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