Thursday, June 1, 2017

Delos and Mykonos

Today we ventured out to the island of Delos, which is in its entirety an archaeological site. They also have a museum there. Once you get off the ferry at the small port, you are at the entrance to the site. They also have one cafe on the island inside the site for food. No one is allowed to live there. After that we made a pit stop on the island of Mykonos where we visited a museum and walked around the town before heading back to Naxos. Mykonos has much higher prices for food and ice cream than any of the other islands we have been to thus far. I am glad we did not choose to spend a full day or night on the island, but was glad to have seen it for a bit.
Goodbye Naxos.

Hello Delos!

You can see our boat docked at the port then to the right, a building, which is the entrance to the site.


Temple to Isis.

A stoa.

Bob explaining things to a lady we met who asked if she could hang with us through the site.

The base for a colossal statue.


The Naxian lions. Dedicated by the Naxians to the Sanctuary of Apollo.


A synagogue.

A large lizard.

That's me!

Inside the Museum on Delos.

The real Naxian lions. The ones on the site are casts of these originals.

Hello Mykonos.

 Mykonos Museum:
The temporary exhibit there was a jewelry collection from the prehistoric period all the way up to modern day. Here is one from the 2nd-1st c BCE.

We made a brief stop on Paros to let people off the boat, so here's a little shot of that action.

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